Constitution & By-laws for
APWU Local Great Lakes Area Mail Haulers
We, the members of the American Postal Workers Union who come from the private sector, in order to form a more perfect union establish this Constitution.
We believe that in unity there is strength.
We believe that all members of the American Postal Workers Union [and all members of labor] have the right to economic, political and social justice.
That all men and women have the inherent right to earn a living and to be justly paid for the services they perform.
That all members of the American Postal Workers Union have the right to expect to have decent shelter, food and clothing. That they have the right to see that their children have the best of education. The investment of the worker's lifeblood in giving service gives him/her that right.
We further believe that all men and women are created equal with the right to determine their own destiny and to participate in the forces and events that affect them.
We believe that all members of the American Postal Workers Union have the right, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, handicap, political affiliation, age, or religion to hold their heads high and to have respect for themselves as individuals.
We believe, therefore, that in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, all men and women are free to come together to promote the common cause of all.
We also believe that all members have certain basic rights within our Union and shall be secure in those rights. In order to give life to the Preamble of this Constitution, and to the Constitution itself, Members' Bill of Rights has been established:
1. Every member has the right to be respected as a human being.
2. Every member has the right to be respected as a brother or sister of this Union.
3. Every member has the right to freedom of speech and the right to voice their opinion.
4. Every member has the right to the freedom to listen.
5. Every member has the right to the freedom of the press.
6. Every member has the right to participate in the activities of this Union.
7. Members shall not be denied the right to seek any office or the right to vote in this Union because of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, handicap, political affiliation, age or religion.
8. Every member has the right to support the candidate of his/her choice and to participate in that right with others.
9. Every member has the right to a fair hearing, to be represented by an individual of his or her choice and to proper appeal procedures.
10. Every member has the right to be secure in his or her basic rights without fear of political, economic, physical or psychological intimidation.
This organization shall be known as the Great lakes Area Mail Haulers of the American Postal Workers Union, AFL CIO, headquartered in Kalamazoo, MI. hereinafter referred to as the LOCAL.
1. It shall be the objective of this Local to secure through unity of action, collective bargaining and legislative effort a safe and healthy work environment, better working conditions and a better standard of living for the members of the APWU and their families.
2. To continue to organize the unorganized.
3. To unite within one organization, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, handicap, political affiliation, age, or religion, all employees under the jurisdiction of the APWU.
4. To educate our membership and the general public on the history of the Labor Movement.
5. To vote and work for the election of candidates who favor the passage of improved legislation in the interest of all labor.
6. To work for the repeal of laws which are unjust to labor.
7. To educate all members in the area of economic, political and social justice.
8. To work for the solidification of the entire Labor Movement.
1. Any worker in the postal industry within the jurisdictional claim of the Local is eligible for membership and considered in good standing providing they pay full dues as required by the Local (See Article 5).
2. A member will be considered in good standing if his/her paycheck for the payroll period in which his/her dues deductions are made is insufficient to permit such dues deductions, by reason of illness, injury, pregnancy leave, military leave, disciplinary suspension, lockout or strike, and lay off, except for those members on the automatic rolls or receiving pay for an approved on-the-job-injury from the Department of Labor – Office of Worker’s Compensation Programs.
The Local claims jurisdiction over all non supervisory employees engaged on postal work in the private sector who wishes to part of the Local.
Local Dues: The revenue of this Local shall be derived from local dues set at $10.00/week for full time employees, pro rated as appropriate for part time employees. This amount will include the National per capita tax.
Executive Board
The Executive Board shall consist of:
A. President
B. Executive Vice President
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
E. Workplace Representatives as applicable
The number of Driver Representative/shop stewards will be set at one per 20 workers in the various geographic facilities. Locations with 10-20 workers will have driver representatives. Locations with less than 10 workers will be assigned a Drivers Representative/steward that is geographically closest to represent their location.
The Executive Board shall meet either in person, conference call, or computer chat room or other appropriate means on a monthly basis. More frequent meetings can be scheduled by the President as needed.
Duties of Officers
Section 1. President and Delegate to State/National Conventions
A. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings. The President is responsible for the daily decisions and routine business of the Local, and shall countersign all checks.
B. The President shall fill all elected vacancies and appoint all necessary committees not already covered in this Constitution, with the approval of the Executive Board.
C. The President (or their designee) shall be the official spokesperson for the Local in all matters pertaining to the Local.
D. The President shall be heedful of circumstances and potential consequences in the exercise of his/her authority, but he/she shall consider that the confidence given him/her is sufficiently broad to enable them to act on behalf of the local union membership in matters that require prompt or summary actions.
E. All Officers, stewards and committees shall work under his/her direction and the direction of the Executive Board (with the exception of the Election Committee).
F. The President shall be a delegate to the National and State APWU Conventions.
G. The salary of the President shall be $175.00 per month.
Section 2. Executive Vice President
A. The Executive Vice President shall act in place of the President during extended absences and preside over all meetings in the absence of the President.
B. The Executive Vice President shall act in place of the Treasurer during extended absences.
C. The Executive Vice President shall be a member of all committees, unless otherwise specified in this Constitution.
D. The Executive Vice President shall countersign all checks in the long term absence of the President and unavailability of the Treasurer or President.
E. The Executive Vice President shall serve as the Legislative and Education Director.
F. The salary of the Executive Vice President shall be $75.00 per month.
Section 3: Treasurer
A. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to maintain accurate accounting of the deposits and disbursements of the Local and to keep an accounting of the property of the Local.
B. Authorized signatures for banking purposes shall include the Treasurer and the President. The Vice President shall serve as an alternate signature.
C. The Treasurer shall file all required Federal and State reports.
D. The Treasurer shall prepare a written financial report once a month of the local’s assets for membership review at local meetings.
E. The salary of the Treasurer shall be $75.00 per month.
Section 4: Secretary
A. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to maintain an accurate written record of the minutes of all regularly scheduled and special meetings of the Executive Board, negotiations and other meetings with the employer.
B. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to read the previous meeting’s minutes for approval by the membership at the current membership meetings.
C. The Secretary shall maintain the membership records of the Local.
D. The salary of the Secretary shall be $75.00/month.
Section 5: Driver Representatives / Shop Stewards
Driver Representatives/Stewards shall process grievances, and work under the direction of the President and the Executive Board. Driver Representatives/Stewards will be responsible for sharing information with the members in their respective areas and are responsible for conducting union meetings in their respective areas as outlined in ARTICLE 12 below. Driver representatives/stewards will be reimbursed union dues on a quarterly basis.
Section 6: Workplace Representative(s):
A. Once the Local is comprised of workers from more than one company, each workplace represented in the Local will have one automatic Executive Board member.
B. Workplace Representatives shall be responsible for assisting the Executive Board in coordinating the union efforts and program among the members from the respective company.
C. He/she shall be responsible for organizing and maintaining a high level of union membership in the respective workplace.
D. Workplace representatives will be elected from the members who work at the company for which he/she is employed
E. The salary of each Workplace Representative shall be $75.00/month.
Salaries and dues reimbursements will not become effective until the 2010 local election.
Audit Committee
A. An Audit Committee' consisting of two (2) members (Trustees) shall be elected every two years (at the same time as the election of officers) by the members to audit the financial records of the Local a minimum of once per year.
B. In addition, an audit must take place during the transition period immediately after the regularly scheduled election of officers and in the event that the office of Secretary/Treasurer is vacated. The report of the Audit Committee shall be maintained as a permanent part of the Local Records and shall be made available to those attending the Membership Meeting following the audit as well as to any member requesting it.
Approved Expenses
The Local Executive Board is authorized to expend necessary funds for necessary office expenses, equipment, and supplies (including copies), processing of grievances, contract negotiations, Officer Elections, cell phones for Executive Board members, Driver representatives/Stewards and Workplace Representatives, necessary mailings, conducting of Executive Board and Driver meetings, and the promotion of educational materials.
The Executive Board may approve expenses of up to $1,000/month for any expense that is not listed above. Any expenditure above this specified amount must be approved through a special referendum of the membership.
Eligibility to Run and Hold Office
1. Any member in good standing is eligible to run for and hold union office, including as a delegate to Conventions and conferences, with the exceptions in item 2 of this article.
2. Any person eligible to be a member of the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) who voluntarily holds a managerial supervisory position for the equivalent of two weeks (2 weeks) in a year shall be ineligible to hold office at any level of the American Postal Workers Union or to be a delegate to any convention or conference held by the APWU or any subordinate body of the APWU, so long as the employee continues to serve in such position and for a period of one year from the time the employee vacates such position.
3. Any employee who has submitted an application to a managerial supervisory position shall withdraw such application prior to acceptance of nomination for any office in the APWU.
Election of Local Officers and Delegates
Elections will be held every two (2) years. An Election Committee shall be appointed by the President sixty (60) days prior to nominations. The Election Committee shall be responsible for establishing election rules for processing the election which must be in compliance with the Local Constitution and Bylaws, and Title IV of the LMRDA and the APWU National Constitution and Bylaws. Members of the Election Committee may not file or be a candidate for office.
Section 1. Nominations and Terms.
A. The term of office shall be every two (2) years beginning October 1st 2010, with the exception for Drivers Representatives/Stewards that will be one (1) year terms. Elections will be held every even numbered year (Driver Representative/Steward elections will be every year). The current officers will remain in their leadership status until the election of September 2010.
B. Elections will be held during the month of September. At times when the contract between the company and the union is open for renegotiation during the month of September, no elections for the Executive Board will be held until such negotiations are completed. (Driver Representative/Steward Elections will not be affected by this rule, unless that person is also named to the Negotiating Committee.)
C. A minimum of (30) days prior to the date of the election (exact date to be determined by the Election Committee) a notice announcing nominations will be mailed to all eligible voters which states "Election and Nomination Notice" which shall include:
1. Process for nomination
2. Eligibility requirements to run
3. Positions open for nomination.
a. President/Automatic Delegate to National and State APWU Conventions
b. Executive Vice President
c. Treasurer
d. Secretary
e. Driver/shop stewards
f. Workplace Representatives as appropriate
g. Two Trustees
4. The process for self nominations.
5. The date ballots will be mailed and the date and time ballots are required to be returned to the Election Committee's designated P.O. Box.
D. Those nominated will have within ten (10) days after receipt of nomination by election committee to accept the nomination, in writing if they have not already accepted in writing through the self nomination process.
E. Candidates can only run for one elected position.
F. Elections for Delegates to National and State APWU Conventions (the number to be determined by the Executive Board) will be held yearly, on as needed bases, with the process of nominations starting two (2) months prior to the date of the Convention. The Secretary will act as the election committee for this election only.
Section 2. Elections
A. The election shall be conducted by mail secret ballot.
B. All candidates will be notified in advance where the ballots will be tallied. Candidates can be their own observers or select an APWU member to observe for them.
C. Write in votes shall not be valid, counted or considered.
D. Those candidates receiving the plurality of votes cast will be declared elected.
E. The election committee will announce the results following the local election committee's counting. Those results will be posted in the newsletter, on the union’s website, and on the union bulletin boards where available.
Section 3. Taking Office and Election Appeals
A. The beginning of the term of office for all elected officers shall take place two weeks after the announcement of the election results. During these two weeks the newly elected officer will be expected to work alongside his/her predecessor to familiarize themselves with current issues surrounding their office.
B. Appeals of the election will be to the Local's Election Committee within seventy two (72) hours after the member's grievance arises. Appeals from the decision of the Local's Election Committee shall be filed with the National Election Appeals Committee within five (5) days from the decision of the Local Election Committee.
Section 1. Membership Meetings
A. Executive Board Meetings
1. Due to the fact that Local members are spread out over many states and long distances, the Executive Board will have the power to vote on the issues facing the local. Any member is encouraged to attend any Executive Board meeting and members are encouraged to send agenda items to the Executive Board for adjudication.
2. A suitable Teleconferencing program will be sought, and acquired to allow those members that wish to attend the meeting, and are unable to do so. Once the program has been acquired, this section will be amended with that information without the need of a vote by the membership. This rule will also apply to any future changes made to the teleconferencing program.
3. The Secretary shall place a notice on the local web site announcing the dates, place and times of monthly Executive Board meetings. Information concerning any login passwords required to use the teleconferencing system can be obtained by the member contacting the Secretary no less than 24 hours prior to the meeting.
B. Driver Meetings
1. The Driver Representatives/Shop Stewards will hold driver meetings in the various major terminal locations once per quarter. In the locations other than Chicago, Kalamazoo and Detroit, such meetings will be held by conference call or other electronic means. Any member that does not operate from a major terminal location, is encouraged to use the teleconference system to attend a Driver Meeting that is geographically closest to their location.
2. Information concerning any login passwords required to use the teleconferencing system can be obtained by the member contacting the Driver Representative/Shop Steward holding the meeting no less than 24 hours prior to the meeting.
3. The Secretary shall place a notice on the local web site announcing the dates, place and times of the Driver Meetings for all locations.
C. Special Meetings
1. When the need for a special Executive Board Meeting is called for, the members will be notified via a card through U.S. Mail to their home address at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting. It will also be announced in the local’s web site, and posted in all the major terminal locations. Teleconference information for the Special Meeting will be available as outlined above under Executive Board Meetings.
2. When there is a need for a Special Driver Meeting, The affected members will be notified by a posting in the affected location and a posting on the local’s web site only. Teleconference information for the Special Meeting will be available as outlined above under Driver Meetings..
Section 2. Quorum
A quorum of at least 3 members of the Executive Board must be present, either in person (or by other means such as conference call) to transact business at an Executive Board meeting.
Local Membership Protections
The following procedures shall apply in the event that internal union charges are levied against an officer, steward or any member for the serious violations listed in Article 15 of the National APWU Constitution, in particular relating to an elected officer’s failure to perform his/her duties as specified in this Local Constitution.
The person preferring the charges shall do so by writing specific and detailed charges and presenting them to the Secretary. If the Secretary is named as the person being charged, then the charges are to be presented to one of the Board Members.
Appeal System
The procedures as outlined in Article 15 of the APWU National Constitution and Bylaws will apply for the hearing process and appeal rights.
The Local shall be an affiliate with the Central Labor Body, AFL CIO, the Michigan State APWU and the Michigan State AFL CIO and pay the Per Capital Tax as appropriate.
All amendments to this Constitution must be presented, in writing, with fifteen percent (15) of signatures of the membership at the April Executive Board meeting. The proposed amendment will be mailed out to the membership for voting. The mailing will include a 400 word statement in favor and one similar statement opposed to the proposed amendment. A majority of those voting will be required for adoption.
The Local's Executive Board has authority to amend this Constitution as necessary to remove any conflict between its provisions and any applicable federal or state laws, or the APWU National Constitution and Bylaws. If the Executive Board makes any such changes they will be announced on the local web site.
Order of Business
The Order of Business shall be as follows:
Meeting Called to Order
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Executive Board Reports (Must include: President, Secretary, and Treasurer Reports, but may include reports from any other board member as needed)
Report of Committees
Unfinished Business
New Business
Good and Welfare of Members
Reporting Period
This Local will be on a calendar year reporting period from January I through December 31 for all records and reporting to the Internal Revenue Service or the Department of Labor.
Governing Rules
1. All rules shall be consistent with the APWU National Constitution and Bylaws and applicable federal and/or state laws.
2. The rules contained in the current edition of the "Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised," shall govern the Local in all cases to which they are applicable and which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution and Bylaws.
All amendments to these Bylaws must be made in the same manner as prescribed for Amendments to the Constitution.
I, [name], having been duly elected to office of the Great Lakes Area Mail Haulers, of the American Postal Workers Union, AFL¬ CIO, _______________do solemnly pledge to uphold the Constitution and Bylaws of the American Postal Workers Union, AFL CIO and of the Great Lakes Area Mail Haulers.
I further pledge to perform the duties of my office to the best of my ability. I further pledge that at the conclusion of my term of office, I will turn over to my successor all books, papers, records, cell phones, computers, documents and other items that are the property of the Great Lakes Area Mail Haulers, and The American Postal Workers Union.
Last but not least, I promise to purchase only union made articles, whenever available.
Failure to perform any of the above will mark me as an individual devoid of honor and destitute of integrity.
APWU Local Great Lakes Area Mail Haulers
We, the members of the American Postal Workers Union who come from the private sector, in order to form a more perfect union establish this Constitution.
We believe that in unity there is strength.
We believe that all members of the American Postal Workers Union [and all members of labor] have the right to economic, political and social justice.
That all men and women have the inherent right to earn a living and to be justly paid for the services they perform.
That all members of the American Postal Workers Union have the right to expect to have decent shelter, food and clothing. That they have the right to see that their children have the best of education. The investment of the worker's lifeblood in giving service gives him/her that right.
We further believe that all men and women are created equal with the right to determine their own destiny and to participate in the forces and events that affect them.
We believe that all members of the American Postal Workers Union have the right, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, handicap, political affiliation, age, or religion to hold their heads high and to have respect for themselves as individuals.
We believe, therefore, that in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, all men and women are free to come together to promote the common cause of all.
We also believe that all members have certain basic rights within our Union and shall be secure in those rights. In order to give life to the Preamble of this Constitution, and to the Constitution itself, Members' Bill of Rights has been established:
1. Every member has the right to be respected as a human being.
2. Every member has the right to be respected as a brother or sister of this Union.
3. Every member has the right to freedom of speech and the right to voice their opinion.
4. Every member has the right to the freedom to listen.
5. Every member has the right to the freedom of the press.
6. Every member has the right to participate in the activities of this Union.
7. Members shall not be denied the right to seek any office or the right to vote in this Union because of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, handicap, political affiliation, age or religion.
8. Every member has the right to support the candidate of his/her choice and to participate in that right with others.
9. Every member has the right to a fair hearing, to be represented by an individual of his or her choice and to proper appeal procedures.
10. Every member has the right to be secure in his or her basic rights without fear of political, economic, physical or psychological intimidation.
This organization shall be known as the Great lakes Area Mail Haulers of the American Postal Workers Union, AFL CIO, headquartered in Kalamazoo, MI. hereinafter referred to as the LOCAL.
1. It shall be the objective of this Local to secure through unity of action, collective bargaining and legislative effort a safe and healthy work environment, better working conditions and a better standard of living for the members of the APWU and their families.
2. To continue to organize the unorganized.
3. To unite within one organization, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, handicap, political affiliation, age, or religion, all employees under the jurisdiction of the APWU.
4. To educate our membership and the general public on the history of the Labor Movement.
5. To vote and work for the election of candidates who favor the passage of improved legislation in the interest of all labor.
6. To work for the repeal of laws which are unjust to labor.
7. To educate all members in the area of economic, political and social justice.
8. To work for the solidification of the entire Labor Movement.
1. Any worker in the postal industry within the jurisdictional claim of the Local is eligible for membership and considered in good standing providing they pay full dues as required by the Local (See Article 5).
2. A member will be considered in good standing if his/her paycheck for the payroll period in which his/her dues deductions are made is insufficient to permit such dues deductions, by reason of illness, injury, pregnancy leave, military leave, disciplinary suspension, lockout or strike, and lay off, except for those members on the automatic rolls or receiving pay for an approved on-the-job-injury from the Department of Labor – Office of Worker’s Compensation Programs.
The Local claims jurisdiction over all non supervisory employees engaged on postal work in the private sector who wishes to part of the Local.
Local Dues: The revenue of this Local shall be derived from local dues set at $10.00/week for full time employees, pro rated as appropriate for part time employees. This amount will include the National per capita tax.
Executive Board
The Executive Board shall consist of:
A. President
B. Executive Vice President
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
E. Workplace Representatives as applicable
The number of Driver Representative/shop stewards will be set at one per 20 workers in the various geographic facilities. Locations with 10-20 workers will have driver representatives. Locations with less than 10 workers will be assigned a Drivers Representative/steward that is geographically closest to represent their location.
The Executive Board shall meet either in person, conference call, or computer chat room or other appropriate means on a monthly basis. More frequent meetings can be scheduled by the President as needed.
Duties of Officers
Section 1. President and Delegate to State/National Conventions
A. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings. The President is responsible for the daily decisions and routine business of the Local, and shall countersign all checks.
B. The President shall fill all elected vacancies and appoint all necessary committees not already covered in this Constitution, with the approval of the Executive Board.
C. The President (or their designee) shall be the official spokesperson for the Local in all matters pertaining to the Local.
D. The President shall be heedful of circumstances and potential consequences in the exercise of his/her authority, but he/she shall consider that the confidence given him/her is sufficiently broad to enable them to act on behalf of the local union membership in matters that require prompt or summary actions.
E. All Officers, stewards and committees shall work under his/her direction and the direction of the Executive Board (with the exception of the Election Committee).
F. The President shall be a delegate to the National and State APWU Conventions.
G. The salary of the President shall be $175.00 per month.
Section 2. Executive Vice President
A. The Executive Vice President shall act in place of the President during extended absences and preside over all meetings in the absence of the President.
B. The Executive Vice President shall act in place of the Treasurer during extended absences.
C. The Executive Vice President shall be a member of all committees, unless otherwise specified in this Constitution.
D. The Executive Vice President shall countersign all checks in the long term absence of the President and unavailability of the Treasurer or President.
E. The Executive Vice President shall serve as the Legislative and Education Director.
F. The salary of the Executive Vice President shall be $75.00 per month.
Section 3: Treasurer
A. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to maintain accurate accounting of the deposits and disbursements of the Local and to keep an accounting of the property of the Local.
B. Authorized signatures for banking purposes shall include the Treasurer and the President. The Vice President shall serve as an alternate signature.
C. The Treasurer shall file all required Federal and State reports.
D. The Treasurer shall prepare a written financial report once a month of the local’s assets for membership review at local meetings.
E. The salary of the Treasurer shall be $75.00 per month.
Section 4: Secretary
A. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to maintain an accurate written record of the minutes of all regularly scheduled and special meetings of the Executive Board, negotiations and other meetings with the employer.
B. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to read the previous meeting’s minutes for approval by the membership at the current membership meetings.
C. The Secretary shall maintain the membership records of the Local.
D. The salary of the Secretary shall be $75.00/month.
Section 5: Driver Representatives / Shop Stewards
Driver Representatives/Stewards shall process grievances, and work under the direction of the President and the Executive Board. Driver Representatives/Stewards will be responsible for sharing information with the members in their respective areas and are responsible for conducting union meetings in their respective areas as outlined in ARTICLE 12 below. Driver representatives/stewards will be reimbursed union dues on a quarterly basis.
Section 6: Workplace Representative(s):
A. Once the Local is comprised of workers from more than one company, each workplace represented in the Local will have one automatic Executive Board member.
B. Workplace Representatives shall be responsible for assisting the Executive Board in coordinating the union efforts and program among the members from the respective company.
C. He/she shall be responsible for organizing and maintaining a high level of union membership in the respective workplace.
D. Workplace representatives will be elected from the members who work at the company for which he/she is employed
E. The salary of each Workplace Representative shall be $75.00/month.
Salaries and dues reimbursements will not become effective until the 2010 local election.
Audit Committee
A. An Audit Committee' consisting of two (2) members (Trustees) shall be elected every two years (at the same time as the election of officers) by the members to audit the financial records of the Local a minimum of once per year.
B. In addition, an audit must take place during the transition period immediately after the regularly scheduled election of officers and in the event that the office of Secretary/Treasurer is vacated. The report of the Audit Committee shall be maintained as a permanent part of the Local Records and shall be made available to those attending the Membership Meeting following the audit as well as to any member requesting it.
Approved Expenses
The Local Executive Board is authorized to expend necessary funds for necessary office expenses, equipment, and supplies (including copies), processing of grievances, contract negotiations, Officer Elections, cell phones for Executive Board members, Driver representatives/Stewards and Workplace Representatives, necessary mailings, conducting of Executive Board and Driver meetings, and the promotion of educational materials.
The Executive Board may approve expenses of up to $1,000/month for any expense that is not listed above. Any expenditure above this specified amount must be approved through a special referendum of the membership.
Eligibility to Run and Hold Office
1. Any member in good standing is eligible to run for and hold union office, including as a delegate to Conventions and conferences, with the exceptions in item 2 of this article.
2. Any person eligible to be a member of the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) who voluntarily holds a managerial supervisory position for the equivalent of two weeks (2 weeks) in a year shall be ineligible to hold office at any level of the American Postal Workers Union or to be a delegate to any convention or conference held by the APWU or any subordinate body of the APWU, so long as the employee continues to serve in such position and for a period of one year from the time the employee vacates such position.
3. Any employee who has submitted an application to a managerial supervisory position shall withdraw such application prior to acceptance of nomination for any office in the APWU.
Election of Local Officers and Delegates
Elections will be held every two (2) years. An Election Committee shall be appointed by the President sixty (60) days prior to nominations. The Election Committee shall be responsible for establishing election rules for processing the election which must be in compliance with the Local Constitution and Bylaws, and Title IV of the LMRDA and the APWU National Constitution and Bylaws. Members of the Election Committee may not file or be a candidate for office.
Section 1. Nominations and Terms.
A. The term of office shall be every two (2) years beginning October 1st 2010, with the exception for Drivers Representatives/Stewards that will be one (1) year terms. Elections will be held every even numbered year (Driver Representative/Steward elections will be every year). The current officers will remain in their leadership status until the election of September 2010.
B. Elections will be held during the month of September. At times when the contract between the company and the union is open for renegotiation during the month of September, no elections for the Executive Board will be held until such negotiations are completed. (Driver Representative/Steward Elections will not be affected by this rule, unless that person is also named to the Negotiating Committee.)
C. A minimum of (30) days prior to the date of the election (exact date to be determined by the Election Committee) a notice announcing nominations will be mailed to all eligible voters which states "Election and Nomination Notice" which shall include:
1. Process for nomination
2. Eligibility requirements to run
3. Positions open for nomination.
a. President/Automatic Delegate to National and State APWU Conventions
b. Executive Vice President
c. Treasurer
d. Secretary
e. Driver/shop stewards
f. Workplace Representatives as appropriate
g. Two Trustees
4. The process for self nominations.
5. The date ballots will be mailed and the date and time ballots are required to be returned to the Election Committee's designated P.O. Box.
D. Those nominated will have within ten (10) days after receipt of nomination by election committee to accept the nomination, in writing if they have not already accepted in writing through the self nomination process.
E. Candidates can only run for one elected position.
F. Elections for Delegates to National and State APWU Conventions (the number to be determined by the Executive Board) will be held yearly, on as needed bases, with the process of nominations starting two (2) months prior to the date of the Convention. The Secretary will act as the election committee for this election only.
Section 2. Elections
A. The election shall be conducted by mail secret ballot.
B. All candidates will be notified in advance where the ballots will be tallied. Candidates can be their own observers or select an APWU member to observe for them.
C. Write in votes shall not be valid, counted or considered.
D. Those candidates receiving the plurality of votes cast will be declared elected.
E. The election committee will announce the results following the local election committee's counting. Those results will be posted in the newsletter, on the union’s website, and on the union bulletin boards where available.
Section 3. Taking Office and Election Appeals
A. The beginning of the term of office for all elected officers shall take place two weeks after the announcement of the election results. During these two weeks the newly elected officer will be expected to work alongside his/her predecessor to familiarize themselves with current issues surrounding their office.
B. Appeals of the election will be to the Local's Election Committee within seventy two (72) hours after the member's grievance arises. Appeals from the decision of the Local's Election Committee shall be filed with the National Election Appeals Committee within five (5) days from the decision of the Local Election Committee.
Section 1. Membership Meetings
A. Executive Board Meetings
1. Due to the fact that Local members are spread out over many states and long distances, the Executive Board will have the power to vote on the issues facing the local. Any member is encouraged to attend any Executive Board meeting and members are encouraged to send agenda items to the Executive Board for adjudication.
2. A suitable Teleconferencing program will be sought, and acquired to allow those members that wish to attend the meeting, and are unable to do so. Once the program has been acquired, this section will be amended with that information without the need of a vote by the membership. This rule will also apply to any future changes made to the teleconferencing program.
3. The Secretary shall place a notice on the local web site announcing the dates, place and times of monthly Executive Board meetings. Information concerning any login passwords required to use the teleconferencing system can be obtained by the member contacting the Secretary no less than 24 hours prior to the meeting.
B. Driver Meetings
1. The Driver Representatives/Shop Stewards will hold driver meetings in the various major terminal locations once per quarter. In the locations other than Chicago, Kalamazoo and Detroit, such meetings will be held by conference call or other electronic means. Any member that does not operate from a major terminal location, is encouraged to use the teleconference system to attend a Driver Meeting that is geographically closest to their location.
2. Information concerning any login passwords required to use the teleconferencing system can be obtained by the member contacting the Driver Representative/Shop Steward holding the meeting no less than 24 hours prior to the meeting.
3. The Secretary shall place a notice on the local web site announcing the dates, place and times of the Driver Meetings for all locations.
C. Special Meetings
1. When the need for a special Executive Board Meeting is called for, the members will be notified via a card through U.S. Mail to their home address at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting. It will also be announced in the local’s web site, and posted in all the major terminal locations. Teleconference information for the Special Meeting will be available as outlined above under Executive Board Meetings.
2. When there is a need for a Special Driver Meeting, The affected members will be notified by a posting in the affected location and a posting on the local’s web site only. Teleconference information for the Special Meeting will be available as outlined above under Driver Meetings..
Section 2. Quorum
A quorum of at least 3 members of the Executive Board must be present, either in person (or by other means such as conference call) to transact business at an Executive Board meeting.
Local Membership Protections
The following procedures shall apply in the event that internal union charges are levied against an officer, steward or any member for the serious violations listed in Article 15 of the National APWU Constitution, in particular relating to an elected officer’s failure to perform his/her duties as specified in this Local Constitution.
The person preferring the charges shall do so by writing specific and detailed charges and presenting them to the Secretary. If the Secretary is named as the person being charged, then the charges are to be presented to one of the Board Members.
Appeal System
The procedures as outlined in Article 15 of the APWU National Constitution and Bylaws will apply for the hearing process and appeal rights.
The Local shall be an affiliate with the Central Labor Body, AFL CIO, the Michigan State APWU and the Michigan State AFL CIO and pay the Per Capital Tax as appropriate.
All amendments to this Constitution must be presented, in writing, with fifteen percent (15) of signatures of the membership at the April Executive Board meeting. The proposed amendment will be mailed out to the membership for voting. The mailing will include a 400 word statement in favor and one similar statement opposed to the proposed amendment. A majority of those voting will be required for adoption.
The Local's Executive Board has authority to amend this Constitution as necessary to remove any conflict between its provisions and any applicable federal or state laws, or the APWU National Constitution and Bylaws. If the Executive Board makes any such changes they will be announced on the local web site.
Order of Business
The Order of Business shall be as follows:
Meeting Called to Order
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Executive Board Reports (Must include: President, Secretary, and Treasurer Reports, but may include reports from any other board member as needed)
Report of Committees
Unfinished Business
New Business
Good and Welfare of Members
Reporting Period
This Local will be on a calendar year reporting period from January I through December 31 for all records and reporting to the Internal Revenue Service or the Department of Labor.
Governing Rules
1. All rules shall be consistent with the APWU National Constitution and Bylaws and applicable federal and/or state laws.
2. The rules contained in the current edition of the "Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised," shall govern the Local in all cases to which they are applicable and which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution and Bylaws.
All amendments to these Bylaws must be made in the same manner as prescribed for Amendments to the Constitution.
I, [name], having been duly elected to office of the Great Lakes Area Mail Haulers, of the American Postal Workers Union, AFL¬ CIO, _______________do solemnly pledge to uphold the Constitution and Bylaws of the American Postal Workers Union, AFL CIO and of the Great Lakes Area Mail Haulers.
I further pledge to perform the duties of my office to the best of my ability. I further pledge that at the conclusion of my term of office, I will turn over to my successor all books, papers, records, cell phones, computers, documents and other items that are the property of the Great Lakes Area Mail Haulers, and The American Postal Workers Union.
Last but not least, I promise to purchase only union made articles, whenever available.
Failure to perform any of the above will mark me as an individual devoid of honor and destitute of integrity.